EuroForth 2014 im Hotel Amic Horizonte/Palma de Mallorca
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auf true
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statt dem üblicherweise per default installierten chromium-ffmpegsumo
Proceedings gibt's auf der EuroForth-Seite.
Friday, 26.9.
- 14:00 Anton Ertl “Region-based Memory Allocation in Forth” kein Video
- 14:45 Stephen Pelc “Compiling to Flash” kein Video
- 16:00 Paul Bennet “High Integrity System - CODE” Video
- 16:40 Bernd Paysan “net2o Command Language” Video
- 17:20 Andrew Read “Concept and implementation of an extended return stack to enhance subroutine and excepton handling in Forth” Video
Saturday, 27.9.
- 9:00 Bill Stoddart “HiTeX - LaTeX gets a helping hand from Forth” Video
- 9:30 Ulrich Hoffmann “Saturating Arithmetic” Video
- 10:00 Report from the Forth 200x standard committee Video
Sunday, 28.9.
- 9:00 Stephen Pelc “VFX Forth for ARM Linux” Video
- 9:30 Gerald Wodni “Forth - the next generation” Video
- 10:00 Peter Knaggs “Java Forth” Video
- 10:30 Klaus Schleisiek “Doing C style structs on cell addressed uCore” Video
- 11:30 Anton Ertl “Getting rid of C” Video
- 12:00 Paul Bennet “Forth in education” Video
events/euroforth-2014.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023-05-19 20:04 von bernd