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en:projects:mmt4ue2:start [2014-11-08 11:57] – [The MMT4ue2] mkaen:projects:mmt4ue2:start [2016-09-20 20:27] (current) – [Drivers of this project] mka
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 ==== The two MiniPCBs ==== ==== The two MiniPCBs ====
 They are described very quickly: They actually consist of MCU, whose pins are taken to the outside of the board, so solder connections can be made easily and changed again and again. Or add two pin headers, soldered in to plug the whole thing into a breadboard (see picture). And combinations are possible. On this board there are only the minimum necessary components for the operation of the MCU of this MultiTool.The whole system is assembled quickly, reusable; and as it is extremely low cost, it can also be installed, another one built and used as intelligent IO, or tested to death during experimenting. You may shrink your Forth computer down to a chip with software, one resistor, a few wires, and FTDI 3.3VUSB Interface. They are described very quickly: They actually consist of MCU, whose pins are taken to the outside of the board, so solder connections can be made easily and changed again and again. Or add two pin headers, soldered in to plug the whole thing into a breadboard (see picture). And combinations are possible. On this board there are only the minimum necessary components for the operation of the MCU of this MultiTool.The whole system is assembled quickly, reusable; and as it is extremely low cost, it can also be installed, another one built and used as intelligent IO, or tested to death during experimenting. You may shrink your Forth computer down to a chip with software, one resistor, a few wires, and FTDI 3.3VUSB Interface.
 +Or make your own [[en:projects:mmt4ue2:urchin|urchin]] ...
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 [[projects:4e4th:4e4th:start:msp430g2553_experimente|Grundlegende Experimente mit MCUs ( English version to follow )]]\\ [[projects:4e4th:4e4th:start:msp430g2553_experimente|Grundlegende Experimente mit MCUs ( English version to follow )]]\\
 [[|4e4th und 4e4th-IDE]]\\ [[|4e4th und 4e4th-IDE]]\\
 +{{:en:projects:microbox:4e4th-ide-startnotes_2016_03_29_a5_v1.pdf|4e4th Start Notes}} - First stepps...\\
 +{{:en:projects:microbox:4e4th-ide-instructions_including_microbox_a5_2016_03_29_v1.pdf|4e4th Instructions, including Microbox}} ... more details\\
 [[|VFX Forth Lite cross compilers von MPE]]\\ [[|VFX Forth Lite cross compilers von MPE]]\\
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 And thanks to others who helped. Pick up your free boards at** electronica 2014, 11 - 14 November at EuroTech**. And thanks to others who helped. Pick up your free boards at** electronica 2014, 11 - 14 November at EuroTech**.
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 {{:projects:mmt4ue2:forth_mini_multi_tool_for_your_embedded_experiments_v1_2014_11_06.pdf|Intermediate result of this website.}} {{:projects:mmt4ue2:forth_mini_multi_tool_for_your_embedded_experiments_v1_2014_11_06.pdf|Intermediate result of this website.}}
 +==== Various ====
 +{{:projects:mmt4ue2:mybonnie.png?400|The notes of the song.}}
en/projects/mmt4ue2/start.1415444268.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014-11-08 11:57 by mka