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Gforth — GNU Forth for Android

Project goal is to use Gforth as programming system on Android.

Project Status

  • There is a Gforth.apk, installable on Android 2.3 or later (native activity)
  • This has a OpenGL terminal emulation and allows remote telnet on port 4444 (depending on what you call in /sdcard/gforth/site-forth/starta.fs)
  • It recognizes touches, and the menu button/softkey toggles the software keyboard

Starting the app first time unpacks the Gforth sources to the SD card. That's a few megabytes, and therefore it takes its time. Gforth's loader can't display any status at this stage, and won't respond to inputs, so just be patient. When it's done, the OpenGL terminal should show up (or not, depending on the bugs in your GLES2 driver ;-).

The terminal uses a fragment shader, which implements a colored ASCII terminal - it uses two textures, one with the character set, and another with the characters and colors. An update of the terminal screen therefore only takes a few milliseconds - just like it used to be with in text mode.

I recommend the following keyboards (in that order):

All Android examples are packet into /sdcard/gforth/site-forth. There is

  • gl-sample.fs: A simple OpenGL demo
  • omx-example.fs: Playing videos. Download my Jingle Bells as test stream into /storage/extSdCard/Filme, then you can start it with jb, or any other MPEG 2 transport stream file with “<filename>” play-ts, or a MKV file (H.264, MP3 or AAC) with “<filename>” play-mkv.
  • gl-slideshow.fs: Plays a slideshow. Put photos into a directory, and a file listing all filenames (including path). Load that file with “<slidelist>” slide-show.
  • android-recorder.fs: Records a video, when you start camera-test. The recorded video will end up in /storage/extSdCard/Filme/test.mp4.


Gforth has a big manual, which is also available as eBook PDF (some non-breakable texts are cut off in this small size).

en/projects/gforth-android/start.1386724130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013-12-11 02:08 by bernd