The factorial function in several languages: The factorial function takes a positive integer, and returns a positive integer. Its value is the product of all the integers from one up to the value of the parameter. It is normally written with a postfix exclamation point, thus: 0! = 1 1! = 1 2! = 2 3! = 6 4! = 24 5! = 120 The factorial function is used in this example to illustrate a number of different programming languages. 8080 Assembler -- iterative ; ; given n in A, returns n! in DE ; no warrantees, expressed or implied ; about any other returned register ; contents. ; FACT: LXI DE,1 ORA A RZ F1: CALL MULT DEC A JNZ F1 RET ; ; MULTIPLY A BY DE, RESULT IN DE ; MULT: MOV B,A MOV A,D MOV C,16 M1: SHL PUSH A MOV A,E RLC MOV E,A POP A JCC M2 ADD B M2: DEC C JNZ M1 MOV D,A MOV A,B RET 8086 Assembler -- iterative ; ; given n in cx, returns n! in dx:ax ; clobbers cx in the process ; fact proc mov ax,1 jcnz f1 ret f1: mul cx loop f1 ret fact endp IBM/PC Basic -- iterative, recursion not allowed 10 REM -- GIVEN N, RETURNS N! IN FACT 15 REM USES I AS TEMPORARY 20 FACT=1 30 IF N=0 THEN GOTO 70 40 FOR I=1 TO N 50 FACT=FACT*I 60 NEXT I FORTRAN -- iterative, recursion not allowed INTEGER FUNCTION FACT(N) FACT=1 IF(N) 10,20,30 30 DO 40 I=1,N 40 FACT=FACT*I 20 RETURN 10 CALL ERROR END COBOL -- iterative, recursion not allowed FACTORIAL-ROUTINE. MOVE ONE TO FACT. PERFORM FACTORIAL-LOOP VARYING I FROM ONE TO N. FACTORIAL-LOOP. MULTIPLY FACT BY I. C -- iterative int fact(n) int n; { int f=1; while(n) f*=n--; return(f); } C -- recursive int fact(n) int n; { return(n==0 ? 1 : n*fact(n-1)); } Forth -- iterative : FACT 1 SWAP 0 ?DO I * LOOP ; Forth -- recursive : FACT ?IF DUP 1- RECUR * ELSE 1 THEN ; APL -- iterative FACT <-- * / IOTA N muLisp -- iterative (DEFUN FACT (LAMBDA (N F) ((ZEROP N) 1) (SETQ F 1) (LOOP (SETQ F (TIMES F N)) ((ZEROP (SETQ N (SUB1 N))) F) ) )) muLisp -- recursive (DEFUN FACT (LAMBDA (N) ((ZEROP N) 1) (TIMES N (FACT (SUB1 N))) )) microProlog -- recursive, iteration not allowed ((FACT 0 1)) ((FACT _N _F) (PLUS _M 1 _N) (FACT _M _G) (TIMES _N _G _F)) AML -- iterative fact: SUBR (%n); IF n EQ 0 THEN RETURN(1); f: NEW n; WHILE --n GT 1 DO f *= n; RETURN(f); END; AML -- recursive fact: SUBR (n); RETURN( IF n EQ 0 THEN 1 ELSE n * fact(n-1); ); END;  F1: CALL MULT DEC A JNZ F1 RET ; ; MULTIPLY A BY DE, RESULT IN DE