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projects:430eforth:start [2020-06-09 23:28] – pdf dazu mkaprojects:430eforth:start [2022-01-14 04:43] – [TI Launchpad] mka
Zeile 32: Zeile 32:
 {{ |430eforth-ide}} - die Hex-Datei des eForth ist in der IDE((Die 430eForth-IDE ist eine angepasste Reimplementation der 4e4th-IDE von Dirk Brühl - )) enthalten, um mit dem [[|TI Launchpad]] zu programmieren\\ {{ |430eforth-ide}} - die Hex-Datei des eForth ist in der IDE((Die 430eForth-IDE ist eine angepasste Reimplementation der 4e4th-IDE von Dirk Brühl - )) enthalten, um mit dem [[|TI Launchpad]] zu programmieren\\
 {{ :projects:430eforth:eforth_lessons.pdf |Lektionen}} - Beispiele in eForth 430G2553((eForth ist //case sensitive//, alle Forth Worte sind in GROSSCHREIBUNG. ))\\ {{ :projects:430eforth:eforth_lessons.pdf |Lektionen}} - Beispiele in eForth 430G2553((eForth ist //case sensitive//, alle Forth Worte sind in GROSSCHREIBUNG. ))\\
Zeile 43: Zeile 44:
 **( This part is in English, as the link to this location is shared )** **( This part is in English, as the link to this location is shared )**
-How can you simply carry out a few Forth instructions?\\ +===== How can you simply carry out a few Forth instructions? ===== 
-And understand how Forth works?\\ + 
-OK, the execution of commands online without additional hardware has already been shown elsewhere in this Wiki, in the **A Start With Forth** documentation,  especially in chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7:\\ +And understand how Forth works? 
-:\\ + 
-and in English\\ +OK, the execution of commands online without additional hardware has already been shown elsewhere in this Wiki, in the **A Start With Forth** documentation,  especially in chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7;\\ 
-\\+in [[projects:a-start-with-forth:start0|German]] and in  
Zeile 64: Zeile 66:
 We want to make it easy for anybody to try it out. We want to make it easy for anybody to try it out.
 +===== The "39 Steps" to see HELLO WORLD on your display =====
 So, Juergen sat down and recorded all of the steps necessery,  So, Juergen sat down and recorded all of the steps necessery, 
Zeile 70: Zeile 75:
 {{how_to_get_started_and_control_some_leds_in_forth_v4_a4.pdf|39 Steps}} {{how_to_get_started_and_control_some_leds_in_forth_v4_a4.pdf|39 Steps}}
-And you will end by programming the HELLO WORLD and see the result: +And you will end by programming the ''HELLO WORLD'' and see the result: 
-JPEG of HELLO WORLD to be inserted here.+{{publication2.jpg}} 
 +[[|Here a link to a low cost  ATmega328P Nano V3 Development Board]] as example (Geekcreit) if you need one.
 We soldered the headers on a nano pointing downwards,  We soldered the headers on a nano pointing downwards, 
Zeile 78: Zeile 85:
 {{arduino_nano_on_breadboard.jpg?250}} {{arduino_nano_on_breadboard.jpg?250}}
-For example here a link to a low cost  ATmega328P Nano V3 Development Board as example (Geekcreit) if you ned one: 
 The eForth is loaded as {{| Arduino Sketch (C Sourcecode)}}, similar to a text file, then compiled via the Arduino IDE and uploaded into the board. The eForth is loaded as {{| Arduino Sketch (C Sourcecode)}}, similar to a text file, then compiled via the Arduino IDE and uploaded into the board.
Zeile 93: Zeile 97:
 Download and install a terminal program, if you do not have one already, Download and install a terminal program, if you do not have one already,
-e.g. Teraterm or termite,+e.g. [[|Teraterm]] or termite,
 and then you are ready to go.  and then you are ready to go. 
 Set to 115k baud rate. Set to 115k baud rate.
-** ** 
 Enter (**CR)**   and you see **0 0 0 0 ok>** Enter (**CR)**   and you see **0 0 0 0 ok>**
Zeile 115: Zeile 118:
 {{some_examples_part_1.pdf|Here are some examples.}} {{some_examples_part_1.pdf|Here are some examples.}}
- +   
-**And the additional information  in the book**    +[[|And the additional information in the book]].
 ===== Some small Examples ===== ===== Some small Examples =====
-The terminal display shows +The terminal display shows:  
 +  0  0  0  0  ok>   
 +These four zeros show the top 4 values of the Data stack.\\
-0  0  0  0  ok These four zeros show the top 4 values of the Data stack.  +With((<CRPress Carriage Return Button (enter))): 
-with +  <CR> 
-(CR) +  <CR> 
-(CR) +  <CR> 
-(CR) +  <CR> 
-4 CR) +it changes to: 
-it changes to +  1  2  3  4  ok>
-1  2  3  4  ok> +
-now try  +
-. (CR) +
-. (CR) +
-. (CR) +
-. (CR) +
-and the 4 values are displayed and disappear from the stack and back to 0  0  0  0  ok>+
-**The usual HELLO WORLD   we can achieve like this:**+Now try  
 +  . <CR> 
 +  . <CR> 
 +  . <CR> 
 +  . <CR> 
 +and the 4 values are displayed and disappear from the stack which is back to 
 +  0  0  0  0  ok>
-Define a new Forth Word 
-:   HELLO1  ." HELLO WORLD " ;  (CR) 
-:  start a new Word definition 
-HELLO1 the name of the new Word 
-."  Start a text definition 
-HELLO WORLD  the text to be printed 
-  Marker for the end of the text 
-; end of new Word definition 
-And try it out:+==== The usual HELLO WORLD   we can achieve like this====
-hello1 (CR)HELLO WORLD 
-and format the output bit:+Define new Forth Word: 
 +  :   HELLO1  ." HELLO WORLD " ;  <CR> 
 +'':'' starts a new Word definition, ''HELLO1'' is the name of the new Word. 
 +'' ." ''  starts a text definition. 
 +''HELLO WORLD'' is  the text to be printed. 
 +And ''"'' marks the end of the text. 
 +Finaly '';'' ends new Word definition.
-:  HELLO2  CR  CR  ." HELLO WORLD "  CR ;  (CR) +And try it out:
-a few additional CRs will make it better readable+
-hello2 (CR)+  hello1 <CR>  HELLO WORLD
-HELLO WORLD+and format the output a bit. A few additional CRs will make it better readable: 
 +  :  HELLO2  CR  CR  ." HELLO WORLD  CR ;  <CR> 
 +  hello2 <CR> 
 +==== And now let us control one Bit in the IO. Here the on-board LED ====
-**And now let us control one Bit in the IO. Here the on-board LED** +  20 24 POKE <CR> 
- +  Will set bit 5 of the port to OUTPUT in the Data Direction Register    0  1  0    0  0  0  0 
- +  \ 20 is the data bit to be stored, and 24 is the DDR Register address in hex 
-20 24 POKE (CR) +   
-will set bit 5 of the port to OUTPUT in the Data Direction Register    0  1  0    0  0  0  0 +  20 25 POKE (CR) 
-\ 20 is the data bit to be stored, and 24 is the DDR Register address in hex +  \  Will set Bit 5 in the OUTPUT Register to HIGH  - LED is on            0  0  1  0    0  0  0  0  
- +  \  20 is the OUTPUT bit to be stored and 25 in hex is the Output Port Register 
-20 25 POKE (CR) +   
-\  Will set Bit 5 in the OUTPUT Register to HIGH  - LED is on            0  0  1  0    0  0  0  0  +  00 25 POKE (CR)  
-\  20 is the OUTPUT bit to be stored and 25 in hex is the Output Port Register +  \  Will set Bit 5 in the OUTPUT Register to LOW  - LED is off 
- +  \  here 00 is stored in the Output Register
-00 25 POKE (CR)  +
-\  Will set Bit 5 in the OUTPUT Register to LOW  - LED is off +
-\  here 00 is stored in the Output Register +
- +
-The data sheet I used is
 +I used this [[
 +|ATmega328P Datasheet]]. 
 And for now only page 280 is important, which shows the addresses for the ports,  And for now only page 280 is important, which shows the addresses for the ports, 
-especially here now Port B: \\ +especially here now those two Port-B-addresses
-24 HEX  is the DDR (DDR = Data Direction Register) to set bits to OUTPUT and  +  *24 HEX is the DDR (DDR = Data Direction Register) to set bits to OUTPUT and  
-25 HEX for the OUTPUT Register to set bits to 1 or 0  HIGH or LOW.+  *25 HEX for the OUTPUT Register to set bits to 1 or 0  HIGH or LOW.
 **And the relevant file of these examples** **And the relevant file of these examples**
Zeile 197: Zeile 200:
 With Forth we can poke around in all internals using the Forth commands, read and write IOs - even mess up the CPU – so please be careful as you might have to restart the Forth and loose the work done before. With Forth we can poke around in all internals using the Forth commands, read and write IOs - even mess up the CPU – so please be careful as you might have to restart the Forth and loose the work done before.
 And this is done using only 2 commands, added especially to this eForth version: And this is done using only 2 commands, added especially to this eForth version:
-**PEEK**   Read the contents at memory location  xx +  *PEEK  -  Read the contents at memory location  xx 
-**POKE**   Overwrite contents at memory location xx with new data yy.+  *POKE  -  Overwrite contents at memory location xx with new data yy.
 And if you have now licked blood and have the appropriate know-how and tools, you can flash in the extended version of this eForth - but then the bootloader will be overwritten. And if you have now licked blood and have the appropriate know-how and tools, you can flash in the extended version of this eForth - but then the bootloader will be overwritten.
Zeile 213: Zeile 216:
 or as well as book at  or as well as book at 
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
projects/430eforth/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022-01-14 04:49 von mka