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EuroForth 2018 in Edinburgh


  • 13:45 Bernd Paysan — ΜΙΝΩΣ2 GUI, $quid “crypto” video
  • 14:40 Gerald Wodni — redis video
  • 15:20 Andrew Haley — Case video
  • 15:45 Peter Knaggs — A List Toolkit video
  • 16:20 Anton Ertl & Bernd Paysan — Closures — the Forth way video
  • 17:00 Ulrich Hoffmann — Forth, a new synthesis video


  • 09:10 Andrew Read & Ulrich Hoffmann — Strings video
  • 09:45 Anton Ertl — Software Vector Chaining video
  • 10:15 Nick Nelson — Dirty Laundry video
  • 11:05 Bill Stoddart — Shor's Algorithm video
  • 11:35 Nick Nelson — 64 Bit Issues video
  • 12:00 Stephen Pelc — Dual Words video

Dinner Party

  • 21:00 Chuck Moore — 50 Years of Forth Speech video


  • 09:10 Ulrich Hoffman & Andrew Read — Style Survey video
  • 09:50 Leon Wagner — There's Forth in That video
  • 10:15 Phillip Eaton — Programming in Forth on the Vectrex video
  • 11:00 Gerald Wodni — video
  • 11:10 Franck Bensusan (by Anton Ertl) — Method Dispatch in OForth video
  • 11:25 Ulrich Hoffman — Detecting 64 Bit Systems video
events/ef2018/start.1537983376.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018-09-26 19:36 von bernd