{{pfw:banner.png}} \ Basic nRF24 bidirectional RECEIVE routine \ \ Recieve T, increase counter & transmit : and counter back \ \ Extra words: MS \ *BIS ( mask addr -- ) Set the bits represented by mask at address \ *BIC ( mask addr -- ) Clear the bits represented by mask at address \ *BIX ( mask addr -- ) XOR the bits represented by mask with the bits at address \ B-B ( 16-bit -- bl bh ) Split 16-bit to a low byte & high byte \ : KICK-NRF24 ( -- ) 1 to #me 55 to #ch 1 to rf spi-setup 5 ms setup24L01 7 >len 0 set-dest get-status . troff ; \ Trace info: #me - T=" - counter \ or: #me - T=RXfault " : RECEIVER ( -- ) kick-nrf24 ." Receiver " #me . power-on 100 ms power-off 00 \ Flash output, init. counter read-mode begin response? if \ Action on nRF24? cr #me 1 .r \ Yes, show node number xkey dup [char] T = if \ Char 'T' received? emit ." = " \ Yes, show power-bip \ Toggle power mosfet output dup b-b 6 >pay 5 >pay \ Counter as payload [char] : xemit \ Send ':' & counter back dup u. 1+ \ Show & increase counter else drop ." RXfault " then then led-off key? until drop power-off ; \ Remove counter \ End ;;;