(* USART-0/1 SPI on P3 or P5 of MSP430F149
Function        P1    P2    P3    P4    P5    P6  Lable name
Input           20    28    18    1C    30    34    PxIN
Output          21    29    19    1D    31    35    PxOUT
Direction       22    2A    1A    1E    32    36    PxDIR
Intrpt flag     23    2B    1B    1F    --    --    PxIFG
Intrpt edge     24    2C    --    --    --    --    PxIES
Intrpt on/off   25    2D    --    --    --    --    PxIE
Select          26    2E    --    --    33    37    PxSEL
P3.0/P5.0  - CS         01      \ SPI enable low      x1=Chip select
P3.1/P5.1  - MOSI       02      \ Data bitstream out  x0=Master in
P3.2/P5.2  - MISO       04      \ Data bitstream in   x1=Master out
P3.3/P5.3  - CLK        08      \ Clock               x1=Clock
  More SPI info on page 444ff of SLAU144J.PDF  
  Configuration of the pins on page 129ff of SLAU049.PDF
USART - Ucontrol - Tcontrol - Rcontrol - Mcontrol - B0 - B1 - RB - TB
  0        70         71         72         73      74   75   76   77
  1        78         79         7A         7B      7C   7D   7E   7F

                    ( UART-0/1 SPI interface )

v: fresh
: SPI}          ( -- )      1 31 *bis ;     \ P5OUT  SPI off CS=high
: {SPI          ( -- )      1 31 *bic ;     \ P5OUT  SPI on, CS=low

: SPI-ON        ( -- )
    0B 32 c!        \ P5DIR     Outputs P5.0, P5.2, P5.3 & P5.1 input
    0E 33 *bis      \ P5SEL     SPI out is P5.2, P5.3 & P5.1 input
    10 05 *bis      \ ME2       Enable SPI1
    1 78 *bis       \ UCTL21    Reset USART
    17 78 c!        \ UCTL1     SPI mode on, Master mode, 8 -bit wide
    32 79 *bis      \ UTCTL1    3-wire mode, SMCLK, Clk low, Normal
    4 7C c!         \ UBR10     Clock is 8Mhz/4 = 2MHz
    0 7D c!         \ UBR11  
    0 7B c!         \ UMCTL1    Not used must be zero!
    1 78 *bic       \ UCB1CTL1  Free USCI
    spi} ;          \           CS = 1

code SPI-I/O    ( b1 -- b2 )            \ Read and write at SPI-bus
    tos 7F & .b mov         \ UTXBUF1, write
    begin,  10 # 3 & .b bit \ IFG2.4
    cs? until,
    7E & tos .b mov         \ URXBUF1, read

: SPI-OUT       ( b -- )    spi-i/o drop ;  \ Write b to SPI-bus
: SPI-IN        ( -- b )    0 spi-i/o ;     \ Read b from SPI

\ : TEST          ( -- )
\    spi-on  8 78 *bis  0    \ Activate SPI with internal feedback 
\    begin
\        spi-i/o  dup .      \ Send & receive, show result
\        1+  100 ms          \ Increase data & wait
\    key? until 
\    8 78 *bic ;             \ Remove internal feedback

v: fresh  
shield spi\  freeze